Project Description

Annabel Haldane

Clinical Psychologist incorporating mindfulness (CMI Level 1)

South Buckinghamshire

Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, Kings College London, with final year optional focus on mindfulness.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Level 1 skills training, Mindfulness Training Ltd.

Yoga Alliance Professionals registered yoga teacher, 200 hour teacher training, Abby Hoffman Yoga.

I have a deep respect for the way in which mindfulness can enable people to connect with themselves, others and the world, in fulfilling and life-enhancing ways.

I use mindfulness approaches regularly within my work as a clinical psychologist and am deepening my practice and understanding of mindfulness though training with CMI. Mindfulness is also very much embedded in my yoga practice and teaching. I am particularly aware of the potential for compassionate growth that emerges through mindfulness.

Mindfulness gently facilitates an awakening to ‘what is here’. It allows a dropping into the compassionate awareness that resides deeply within us and guides us to meet our lives with interest, kindness and skill. It opens us to the possibilities within ourselves, others and the world and enables a deep sense of gratitude for the richness of daily experience.

What is the importance of professional guidelines such as the UK Network’s Good practice Guidelines to you and your teaching?

It ensures that those who enable others to develop mindfulness in their lives have the skills, understanding and support to do so safely and wholeheartedly.

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