We are a learning organisation

We see wellness and justice as inseparable and embed social justice training in our wellness programmes to create inclusive futures of belonging for all. 

We emphasise the power in health and seek to bring about systemic and individual change to promote social wellbeing.

About CMI

We are actively anti-discrimination and partner with community-based organisations that make a difference in people’s lives. Through co-creation, we nurture wellness leaders connected to their own traditions and cultures. Our graduates are yoga teachers, mindfulness trainers, wellness coaches and mental health first aid responders who serve their communities. 

Social EnterPrise: AWESOME

Agile Wellness Educators: Serving Outstanding Models Everywhere!

CMI are teaming up with our long-standing partners Chrysalis Academy in South Africa to train yoga & mindfulness teachers and teacher trainers from marginalised communities. The project will co-create a curriculum guided by learners’ needs. Coaches and mentors will support learners throughout their journey.

Inquire about our AWESOME initiative.


We envision a just world in which all communities are valued and treasured. We care about our environments and welcome a world in which everyone grows, young people thrive and the wisdom of elders is valued.

Our Mission

To train skilled wellness champions who understand how structural power impacts health, and how healing is related to social transformation, human dignity, power and community.

Our Values


We believe that each and every person matters. We value our trainers, trainees, coaches and clients and what they bring.


We aim to co-create spaces of belonging with our learners and partner with values-aligned organisations.


We believe in creating a world of kindness and generosity by practicing it. We encourage and support our learners in setting up their practices to continue the ripple of paying it forward.

Quality TraiNing

We prioritise access to effective, appropriate training suited to the contexts in which we teach. We also value ground-up initiatives, community strengths, talents and skills.

Co-creation & Innovation

Learner-centred training is pivotal to our approach. We constantly innovate and evolve to better serve our learners and to build a network of professionals who value transformation.

Responsibility & Accountability

We take responsibility for creating the world we wish to see through our conduct, attention, playing to our talents, enacting our values and holding ourselves accountable.

Our Partners

Our Approach

Justice is Love in Action. Wellness and justice are intimately interwoven. In a divided world of intersectional inequalities, justice is the bedrock of wellness. CMI trains wellness leaders by blending multiple modalities with learners’ traditions. At present Ayurveda, yoga, mindfulness, and mental health first aid are key doorways. By embedding social justice in all we do, our trainers come away with a sense of community and their own purpose. They know how wellness and lives are impacted by power and what to do about it.

Courses And Training

Ayurveda IN ACTION

Ayurveda in Action is a personal development programme that can favourably influence your yoga teaching, if you are already a teacher. 


Mental illness is on the rise. There is a growing chance that you will encounter mental illness in your family, community or in a yoga class. This course does two things: it trains you to use yoga to reduce the chances of becoming mentally ill AND it qualifies you as a Mental Health First Aider.

Yoga Teaching Certificate

The BWYQ Yoga Teacher Certificate Training takes you through a rigorous year-long programme to give you a robust qualification as a practiced, competent yoga teacher. 


You also undertake a full 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme to cultivate awareness and integrate mindfulness into your teaching.


All are welcome! CMI Membership is open to anyone who aligns with our values and is interested in our work. You do not have to be a wellness coach, yoga or mindfulness practitioner to join the membership tiers. We invite all members to dip into our free practices and meditations, and receive a monthly mini-teaching and practice.

Membership Tiers

All our tiers take you on a journey of Personal Mastery & Social Discovery. Each year has an overarching aim. The theme for 2022 is Living Your One Wild and Precious Life, named after Mary Oliver’s poem: The Summer Day. Each month’s theme comes from classical texts and philosophies in the yoga and mindfulness traditions and considers how to apply them and what they mean today. For example, in January and February 2022, we consider our values and purpose and in March dive into how to recognise and nourish mental models that support us and overcome blockages that stop us from realising our goals and dreams. 

CMI’s Dawn, Blue Sky and Dusk membership tiers enhance your journey.


Dawn members participate in deep-dive monthly online sessions that build on the open practice. You will receive Worksheets to guide your process, and an email that summarises the key nuggets and links these to the next month’s theme.


Blue Sky members, build on Dawn membership and participate in a monthly group session with no more than 5 other members and a facilitator to take your learning deeper and to ‘huddle’ around challenges. While the whole programme fosters community, these MasterMind sessions allow you to learn from one another more directly.


Dusk members are BlueSky+ and have the option of attending MasterMind sessions should you so wish. More importantly, you receive one-to-one coaching on a monthly basis to elevate your journey.

NIght SKY MEMBERs (CMI Coaches)

For those members who wish to become Certified CMI Coaches, an additional CMI training will qualify you to facilitate MasterMinds and one-to-one coaching sessions.


Please feel welcome to get in touch regarding the AWESOME Initiative, our training programs and the CMI membership.

Feel free to email us at info@clearmindinternational.com. Alternatively please use the contact form below and we will get back to you soonest

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