Project Description
Anne Walley
Mindfulness Teacher

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness
My interest in Mindfulness has led me to Aberdeen University studying on the MSc Course in Mindfulness.
I am currently on year 2 in the midst of the module on Insight. I love it. “Insight practice… is essentially a process of letting go of preconceived notions, embracing change and breaking through the ‘blind spot’ to discover inner resources.” (Rinpoche, Y.M. and Swanson, E., (2010). Joyful Wisdom Embracing Change and Finding Freedom. London: Bantam Press.)
July 2015 Inquiry Two day Workshop with the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice.
May 2015 Attended two day workshop with Melissa Blacker and David Rynick “Kindness, Compassion, Joy and Balance.”
August 2015 Oxford Mindfulness Centre attended 5 day summer school “Mindfulness in the 21st Century with Mark Williams and Chris Cullen.
July/August 2015 “Mindfulness, Embodiment, Compassionate Holding Retreat” with Choden and Angie Ball.
October 2016 “Enlightened Enterprise” with the Mindfulness Association with Vin Harris and Chloe Homewood.
I currently teach a yoga class at Rookery Hall Hotel & Spa, Worleston incorporating mindfulness practices into the class. It is my intention to start teaching an introductory class in Mindfulness in 2017
I have trained with the BWY, Comprehensive Yoga Fellowship and the Life Foundation following my interest in yoga. In January 2017 I am training with the Mindfulness Association on their MBLC Teaching Skills Retreat which is held at Samye Ling in Scotland.
Mindfulness promotes resilience and enhances social and emotional competence. Mindfulness combined with empathy, kindness and compassion supports constructive action and caring behaviour.” (David, B. S., (2009). Mindful Teaching and Teaching Mindfulness. USA. Wisdom Publications.)
What is the importance of professional guidelines such as the UK Network’s Good practice Guidelines to you and your teaching?
I believe the Mindfulness Based Interventions Teaching Assessment Criteria (MBI:TAC) provide a valuable reference point and framework to assess the qualities and authenticity of the teacher.