by Daran Crush
A students view
And so at the beginning of March Mindfulness Teacher Training Level 2 began. Getting here has been a steady journey taking the Mindfulness Stress Reduction Course in 2013 and the Level 1 Teacher Training in 2015. This followed a Yoga Teacher Training diploma finishing in 2012. I’ve always been interested in mindfulness and thought it would be the path that I would follow. Having a family, full time day job as well as teaching a couple of yoga classes a week I find there is always a need to take some time and to be completely present.
In the Level 1 we spent time understanding what mindfulness is and how to integrate the practices into our daily lives. For me this meant adapting my daily yoga practice to a formal mindful practice incorporating body scans and sitting meditation as well as a more mindful yoga practice. This has very much become a part of my daily life and helps ground the rest of my day.
In the Level 2 we are now shifting from our own practice to teaching it to others. The course is very practical with each of the students preparing and teaching elements from the 8 week course. As well as this we are all preparing our own recordings of the four primary practices: body scan, seated meditation, standing and seated mindful yoga all in preparation of delivering the 8 week course when we are ready.
With two days of the six complete I’m very much looking forward to the upcoming training days and what we will learn. The other students on the course are amazing, the majority have trained as yoga teachers, but all with different perspectives to bring to the group. And of course the training is lead by the wonderful Cathy-Mae who truly embodies all of the practices
Further Information
Daran offers weekly mindful yoga classes in Sutton in Surrey.
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